LOAN CONTRACT TEMPLATE : federal student loan debt forgiveness.

Loan Contract Template


  • enter into a contractual arrangement
  • The branch of law concerned with the making and observation of such agreements
  • An arrangement for someone to be killed by a hired assassin
  • a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law
  • A written or spoken agreement, esp. one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law
  • (contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make


  • A shaped piece of metal, wood, card, plastic, or other material used as a pattern for processes such as painting, cutting out, shaping, or drilling
  • a model or standard for making comparisons
  • Something that serves as a model for others to copy
  • A preset format for a document or file, used so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used
  • In the Dungeons & Dragons game, a template can be applied to a creature to enhance its abilities or to even create a new type of creature.
  • The term document template when used in the context of file format refers to a common feature of many software applications that define a unique non-executable file format intended specifically for that particular application.


  • lend: give temporarily; let have for a limited time; “I will lend you my car”; “loan me some money”
  • A thing that is borrowed, esp. a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest
  • An act of lending something to someone
  • the temporary provision of money (usually at interest)
  • loanword: a word borrowed from another language; e.g. `blitz’ is a German word borrowed into modern English

loan contract template

Oh the joys of the open road!

Oh the joys of the open road!
Timeline of motoring history 1679 – 1939

Practical French scientist Denis Papin invents the pressure-cooker or ‘digester’.

Many before him have experimented with single charges of gunpowder as a means of moving a piston in a bore but, Denis Papin publishes his ideas for harnessing steam as an alternative, to achieve repeated cycles of movement. In doing so, he recognises the potential for a mechanical alternative to animals for mobilising carriages. He goes on to build the first steam engine, which is used to pump water to a canal running between Kassel and Karlshaven in Germany.

English military engineer Thomas Savery uses Papin’s ‘Digester’ as the basis of a crude steam engine for pumping water out of flooded mine-shafts.

Denis Papin, visiting London in the hope of finding patronage, writes to a friend reporting his failure and asking for financial support to pay for his return to Germany. Never heard of again, it is likely that Papin died in London in abject poverty and complete anonymity.

Thomas Newcomen, an "ironmonger" and blacksmith of Dartmouth, England, patents the "Atmospheric Steam Engine" and, together with John Calley starts to build and sell engines for pumping water out of mines.

James Watt, while engaged in repairing a Newcomen engine, comes up with several improvements which substantially change its method of operation and increase its efficiency. In so doing he lays a firm foundation for the design of all steam engines yet to come.

In Paris, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, a military engineer, demonstrates a self propelled steam vehicle – the first on record. The French government requests Cugnot to design and build a larger vehicle, capable of moving large amounts of artillery.

At the French government’s immense cost, Cugnot builds ‘Fardier’ a large three- wheeled artillery carriage and creates history’s first motor accident by knocking down part of a wall.

Oliver Evans of Maryland patents a steam engine for the use in powering carts and carriages.

Richard Trevithick, an early pioneer of the Steam Railway, builds the first successful motor vehicle, and drives it through Camborne, Cornwall. Four days later it is destroyed by fire.

Trevithick builds a second steam powered carriage, which makes several successful runs through the streets of London. Unfortunately it also frightens horses and kindles considerable public hostility.

In 1804 Oliver Evans, builds the world’s first amphibious vehicle, ‘Orukter Amphibolas’, a steam powered dredger on wheels, for the Philadelphia Health Service. In July of 1805 it makes a one and a half mile journey from Central-Square to the banks of the Schuykill. It weighs 20 tons and is powered by a 5 HP twin cylinder beam engine driving both the paddle and 2 wheels. With no method of steering on land, the vehicle is much more successful as a boat.

In Switzerland, Francois Isaac de Rivaz builds, and demonstrates the first working internal combustion engine. It is fuelled by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and reliant on a foot-operated exhaust valve. Mounted on small trolley, travels just a few metres.

Concerned about the number of people being killed by exploding steam engines Reverend Robert Stirling invents and patents an alternative which is not only safer but also much more efficient. It runs on hot air and rotation is caused by heat differentials as it passes between various parts of the engine. It can use a number of alternative fuels to heat the air and, in spite of its improved safety and superior efficiency, it remains largely ignored for use in vehicles.

Samuel Brown patents and builds his "gas-and-vacuum" engine. It has two cylinders linked by a rocking beam, with a capacity of 8,800cc and an output of just 4hp. The engine powering a carriage successfully drives up Shooters Hill at Blackheath, on the outskirts of London.

Goldsworthy Gurney, having built his ‘London and Bath’ steam coach, sets out on the world’s first long distance coach service, a round trip from London to Bath and back. While the outward journey is marked by many breakdowns the return journey is accomplished in ten hours at an average speed of 8.4 miles per hour. Gurney is later to be the inventor of the theatrical ‘Limelight’.

A regular steam omnibus service is established between Stratford, East London, and Paddington, West London by Walter Hancock. Using ‘Infant’, his second steam carriage.

Sir Charles Dance sets up the world’s first scheduled passenger service by automobiles between Gloucester and Cheltenham, using three Gurney steam carriages. It operates for just a few months.

In London, Walter Hancock sets up a chain of garages to service his passenger carrying steam omnibuses en route between their destinations.

Robert William Thomson of Stonehaven, Scotland patents the world’s first vulcanized rubber pneumatic tyre. It

Template Test

Template Test
I know I messed up on the application, but the good thing is that they fit. I spent a lot of time making my template and I am happy to see that it works well. I have templates for the torso and legs and hips, but I am still working on the arms. The others are not shown as they peeled off, I am still fairly new to waterslide decals. Also, the extra space may be due to cutting; the actual templates are pretty close. I do not own the rights to the camouflage this represents.